File a U.S. Trademark Application or Pay a Renewal Fee
Our trademark attorneys are skilled in helping foreign applicants with all trademark filings in the USPTO.
Contact us for help with your U.S. trademark matter.
Complete the form below or call 1.865.546.4305 to contact our trademark attorneys.
U.S. Trademark Services for Applicants Outside the U.S.
No matter where in the world you are, Luedeka Neely’s trademark attorneys can help with all your trademark filings in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
We provide qualified representation in the following matters:
Protect Your Trademark in the U.S.
50 Plus Years of Experience in Worldwide Brand Protection
- Protecting trademarks by preparing, filing, and prosecuting trademark applications, and maintaining and renewing trademark registrations.
- Conducting trademark searches to determine whether our clients’ trademarks may be registrable and available for use in the U.S.
- Representing clients worldwide in trademark opposition and cancellation proceedings before the U.S. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.
- Negotiating trademark co-existence agreements and licenses.
- Helping manage trademark portfolios and develop brand protection strategies.
- Helping avoid trademark infringement by reviewing marketing pieces and product labeling.
Numbers Tell The Story
Years in Trademark Practice
U.S. Trademarks Registered
*LAST UPDATED 06/17/2019