Beware of Non-USPTO Trademark Solicitations

In recent weeks, several Luedeka Neely clients have reported receiving trademark notifications and solicitations that typically include offers for legal services, monitoring services or other trademark-related services. These solicitations often appear...

President Vetoes ITC Decision In Samsung-Apple Patent Case

Samsung obtained a decision from the United States International Trade Commission barring the import of certain models of Apple iPhones and iPads because they infringed Samsung patents. The President, through a letter from the US trade representative, vetoed the...

Improved Fire Detector from ORNL Could Save More Lives

Standard fire detectors often give false alarms when there is smoke but no fire, such as when food burns. This leads some to remove the batteries or to unplug the detector, which puts lives at risk. Engineers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have a solution for...

Funny Faces May Soon Replace Passwords In Android Devices

Using face detection to unlock electronic devices isn’t new. The problem with the technology is that it can be fooled using doctored photos, etc. Google proposes to overcome this shortcoming with “facial landmarks.” A recently filed patent describes...

SCOTUS Says No To Human Genes Patents

Should isolated genes (i.e., genes separated from surrounding genetic material) be considered “products of nature” and, therefore, ineligible for patent protection under U.S. law? The Supreme Court, in a recent 9-0 decision, said “yes.” The...

Farmers’ Use of Second Generation Seeds May Infringe Seed Patents

The Supreme Court has held that farmers who plant and harvest second generation seeds of a patented variety without the patent owner’s permission may be liable for patent infringement. Monsanto Co. holds patents on a variety of genetically-altered soybean seeds...

Supreme Court Rules Against Publisher In Textbook Copyright Case

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court reversed lower court decisions and found that, under the first sale doctrine, textbooks and other goods made and sold internationally may be imported and re-sold in the United States without violating U.S. copyright laws. The first sale...
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